Kara Sciscente Receives President’s Volunteer Award from UHR

Kara SciscenteUnited Hospice of Rockland (UHR) Youth for Hospice (YFH) outgoing vice president Kara Sciscente of Congers received the President’s Volunteer Award on June 7, for her volunteer work with Youth for Hospice.

The award recognizes Kara for “helping to address the most pressing needs in your community and our country.” The letter from President Obama says, “Your volunteer service demonstrates the kind of commitment to your community that moves America a step closer to its great promise…Thank you for your devotion to service and for doing all you can to shape a better tomorrow for our great Nation.”

Kara will graduate from Clarkstown High School North (CHSN) where she was elected to the National Honor Society Board of Directors. She will attend Syracuse University in the fall.

UHR Assistant Director of Development Lisa Denburg said, “Kara is such an energetic and positive person, always willing to offer assistance. She helped make so many of our YFH events successful including the Haunted House, annual Gala, Race, YFH Dance-a-thon, Cut-a-thon, and more.”

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