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Our website gives readers the news of Rockland County. It’s filled with events, breaking news, features, town meeting narratives and enough civic news to help residents in Rockland get through the daily lives with more information than they can handle. The website gets more than 30,000 visitors every week and the number keeps growing.
To place a sponsored article on our website we have two options;
If the subject of the article is anything other than gaming, the cost is $60 for up to 3 links within the story. Click the button below to pay for the article to be on our site and then send the article by email to
Then we will send you a link to the article on our website, typically within a day.
Article on Site with up to three Links-
If the subject of the article is about gaming, the cost is $100. Click the button below to pay for the article and then send the article by email to Then we send you a link to your article on our website …. typically within a day.
Gaming Article-
We reserve the right to reject articles for any reason. We typically reject stories with inappropriate language or if it falls within a subject area offensive to minors or seniors. Articles will typically be removed from the site a year after publishing date.
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