A mobile Disaster Recovery Center has opened for the next three days in Stony Point, Rockland County.  The center is at the corner of East Main Street and Beach Road opposite River View Park. This Center will be open Friday, December 7 through Sunday, December 9 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.  The Center closes at 6 […]

DOLLARS AND SEN$E: How the fiscal-cliff impacts you

DOLLARS AND SEN$E: How the fiscal-cliff impacts you

BY CHRIS HANLY Investment Consultant, Gary Goldberg Financial Services           A lot has been written about the looming fiscal-cliff and its expected impact on our economy and the stock market, but what does it all mean to the average American? First let’s start with explaining that it’s not as much a […]


Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. has some timely lighting tips aimed at making this holiday season brighter. First, consider using holiday decorations featuring energy-efficient LED (light emitting diode) fixtures instead of conventional incandescent bulbs. LED lights will help save on electric bills and help “green” the environment. LED lights use nearly 90 percent less electricity […]

Lowey Statement on Selection as Appropriations Committee Ranking Democrat

Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) today issued the following statement following her election as Ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee: “It is an honor to be selected by my colleagues to serve as Ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee in the 113th Congress.  It is especially gratifying to be the first woman to lead […]

No Need to Pa-Knick This Year

No Need to Pa-Knick This Year

BY CHAYIM TAUBER There’s been a lot of hype about “the Garden transformation” but it’s the transformation on the court that has New Yorkers buzzing. The New York Knicks are playing the best basketball they’ve played since Latrell Sprewell and Allan Houston were running this city and New York is in a state of basketball […]

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