Dr. Laura Carbone Expected to be Named Medical Examiner of Rockland County

Interim Medical Examiner Dr. Laura Carbone is set to lose the interim in front of her title.

The Multi-Services Committee of the Rockland Legislature will vote on approving Carbone as the permanent medical examiner at a meeting Tuesday. After that vote the full Rockland Legislature and the county executive must sign off.

Carbone replaced Dr. Mark Taff in Fall of 2012 after several police chiefs told legislators it was time for Dr. Taff to move on. Carbone had been the deputy examiner since 2006.

The Medical Examinerโ€™s Office is part of the Health Department, which in late January saw the retirement of Commissioner Dr. Joan Facelle after 12 years. Kathy Henry is currently interim commissioner.

The Medical Examinerโ€™s Office first opened in 1969 under the leadership of Dr. Frederick Zugibe of Garnerville. Zugibeโ€™s son, Thomas, has been Rockland County DA since 2008.

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