Photo and captions by Jim Nordmann

St-Patrick-2013 – “Let’s Cheer” – Megan Witt, 10th grade member of Albertus Magnus Falcons High School Cheerleading Squad, beams a big smile with clear instruction to the crowd to “Let Cheers!” at the start of 2013 Pearl River St Patrick Day parade. The Albertus Magnus Falcon Cheerleading squad placed 2nd in the Putnam Valley Cheerleading completion last month.
St-Patrick-2013 – 8: “Remembering the Veterans”: A colorful tradition of the Pearl River St Patrick day parade is Mitchell Kant’s military historic preservation group known as the “American Military Timeline”. The group preserves the memory of those who served in uniform by wearing the exact uniform of various US military servicemen. Attending this year’s parade and the uniform they wore: Standing Left to right: Matthew Kant, Munroe, NY – Spanish American War, Rob Weber, Nanuet, NY – Civil War, Confederate 3rd Alabama Infantry, Vincent and Christopher Jacobellis, Rock Tavern, NY, – Civil War, Union 15th Calvary, Daniel Johnson, Monroe, NY- Spanish American war, (kneeling Left to right) Mitchel Kant, Monroe, NY- WWII Marine Pacific, and Dan Kant, Monroe, NY, US Army Desert Storm. Mitchell Kant is a former Pearl River resident, a graduate of Pearl River High as well as a US Army veteran.

St-Patrick-2013-13: “A Last Curtain call for St Augustine’s’” – A bitter sweet moment for students of St Augustine’s Catholic school, New City, NY as the Pre K and Kindergarten class line up for their last appearance as St. Augustine’s students in the Pearl River St Patrick’s Day parade. Unfortunately St Augustine school will be closed the end of this school year as part of a New York Archdiocesan cost cutting program. Despite that sad news positive energy and optimism filled all the faces of those marching for St. Augustine’s.

St-Patrick-2013-22: “Tradition and Honor – Port Authority Police Pipe and Drum” The Pearl River St. Patrick’s day parade is known for its wide support from many local Pipe and Drum corps. Kevin Hart, dressed in traditional Pipe and Drum uniform, leads the award winning Port of Authority Police Pipe and Drum corps down Pearl River’s Main St as part of the 2013 St. Patrick’s Day parade. Kevin wears a sash as part of his Pipe and Drum uniform that honors the names of Port Authorities Police men and woman who died in the Sep11th World Trade Building Tragedy. The Port Authority Pipe and Drum has received many awards and trophies since its inception in 1979 and has had the honor of entertaining many dignitaries including Pope’s, Presidents, and Military Heroes.’

St-Patrick-2013-11: “All Dressed up against the cold”: All bundled up in scarf and a festive Irish top hat a barely visible Aaron Belaro of St Anthony’s Kindergarten class smiles a big smile in spite of cold. Judging by Aaron’s smile the near freezing temperatures that chilled everyone at the 2013 Pearl River St Patrick Day Parade couldn’t chill the St Patrick Day spirits out of students of St. Anthony’s School!

I wanted to make a comment on “Regarding Veterans”. In the photo take at the old Pfizer Lab Parking Lot on March 17th, my son, Matthew, was wrongly identified as a Spanish American War Soldier while holding the Colors of the 6th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry Regiment (Union Civil War Unit). Matthew portrayed a Sargeant, Co. C, 3rd US Infantry Regiment, (1846-1848 Mexican War). As far as accuracy goes, Spanish American War US soldiers didn’t wear earings and Persian Gulf Soldiers wore Olive Drab Wool Caps (Not Red).
Thank you for the correction, we will fix it