OPINION: Point One on Cuomo’s Women’s Agenda Should be Booting Silver

Statement on Gov. Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Act from Assemblyman Kieran Michael Lalor (R,C,I – Fishkill)

““The first point in Governor Cuomo’s 10-point Women’s Equality Act should have been removing Sheldon Silver. Silver has enabled and covered for a series of serial sexual predators in the Assembly. He enabled Vito Lopez and was going to allow him to remain in the Assembly until their cover-up was exposed. It wasn’t the first time he used tax dollars to silence victims of sexual harassment and abuse.”

“”Silver allowed an atmosphere where women were abused, bullied and assaulted. But, Governor Cuomo refuses to call for Silver’s resignation. The governor claims it’s not his place to say who should be the speaker. He’s very wrong. He has a responsibility as the governor and the leader of the New York Democratic Party. It’s his responsibility as a leader to speak out. Instead, his silence speaks volumes.”

“”Governor Cuomo needs to stand up against a culture and a speaker that have tolerated sexual harassment in Albany. The first step in his women’s equality agenda should be making Albany and the capitol a safe place for women to work and grow their careers. If the governor can’t even do that, he’s reached the height of hypocrisy.””

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