Liberty Counsel Statement
Washington, DC – Liberty Counsel Action sent a letter to every member of the United States Senate urging a nay vote on cloture regarding the confirmation of Thomas Perez as Labor Secretary.
“Thomas Perez is not fit to be Labor Secretary,” said Mat Staver, Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action. “Mr. Perez’s record reveals a racial agenda and radical ideological views, which he seemingly implements at every opportunity. An Inspector General (IG) Report actually found that Mr. Perez interpreted voting protection laws ‘to not cover white citizens.’ This is especially troubling considering that the Secretary of Labor is responsible for overseeing compliance with workplace regulations and nondiscrimination law.”
Mr. Perez’s record at the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ is appalling. Mat Staver explains, “Thomas Perez half-heartedly prosecuted the New Black Panther voter intimidation case following the 2008 election and has repeatedly used litigation to bully pro-life individuals who peacefully counsel expectant mothers, on public sidewalks, outside of abortion clinics.”
Mat Staver concludes, “The nomination of Thomas Perez is another example in a growing list of how the Obama Administration is attacking freedom and undermining the rule of law in this country. To confirm Thomas Perez as Labor Secretary would be a monumental mistake for America.”
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4), nonprofit, grassroots lobbying organization advancing religious and civil liberties, the sanctity of human life, the family, limited and responsible government, national security, and support for Israel.
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