Does part-time New Rochelle mayor Noam Bramson really deserve healthcare for life? Should New Rochelle taxpayers actually be expected to pay for it for years to come?

Those two legitimate questions have been posed in Mr. Bramson’s race for Westchester County Executive, but the heretofore loquacious part-time mayor appears to have been struck dumb by them, the campaign spokeswoman for County Executive Rob Astorino today said.

“Our questions to Mr. Bramson are simple,” Ms. Proud said. “You gave yourself healthcare for life after just five years in office. Do you think you deserve it, and do you think that’s fair to New Rochelle taxpayers?”

Under an antiquated New Rochelle law that Mr. Bramson has refused to change, city council members and part-time mayors receive this extraordinary perk after just five years in office. Taxpayers have to pay 82% of the cost of that healthcare for the life of those officials.

In contrast to Mr. Bramson, full-time County Executive Astorino changed county healthcare rules for himself and his staff upon entering office, requiring that they contribute to the cost of their insurance. And Mr. Astorino’s healthcare insurance expires with his term — as it should.

“These are simple questions that Mr. Bramson needs to answer,” Ms. Proud continued. “His response will speak volumes about his priorities.”

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