Puddin’ Don’t is a creation of Jake Barlow, inspired by all manner of sillineat-stringess, like Berkeley Breathed’s Bill the Cat, Chuck Norris Facts, The movie Machete, and the great Marty Feldman. Puddin’ Don’t can be found daily online at www.puddindont.com.

Salvation Army kicks off Red Kettle Drive at Palisades Mall

Salvation Army kicks off Red Kettle Drive at Palisades Mall

BY MICHAEL RICONDA West Nyack – As Christmas approaches, one of the most recognizable signs of the season has arrived once again at the Palisades Center Mall. With its Red Kettle Kickoff event on Friday, November 15 just outside of Lord & Taylor, the Salvation Army has begun its annual donation drive, collecting money for […]

Poem of the Week: Human Traces

BY HARRY WAITZMAN My body continually surprises me. While songs rise from my mouth, my ear is deaf, my balance is gone. I leave markers here and there, strands of hair, snow on my hood. I become an Eskimo tracking life, a caribou sniffing for lichens. On my hands and knees, I search for human […]

Antibiotics Aren’t Always the Answer

November 18th –24th is Get Smart About Antibiotics Week DEPT. OF HEALTH PRESS RELEASE Pomona, NY – The Rockland County Department of Health reminds residents that if you have a cold or flu, antibiotics won’t work for you. When you feel sick, you want to feel better fast. But antibiotics aren’t the answer for every […]

Stephanie’s Adventures in Singledom: Money, The Recession, and Relationships

Money, The Recession, and Relationships While the recession is affecting everyone worldwide, for some reason it’s having more of a negative impact on the marriages. In a Reuter’s recent poll, 30 percent of Americans attested to the recession adding stress or strain to their relationship or marriage—if not ruining it entirely. Here are some helpful […]


Media statement  “With only 54 absentee ballots remaining to be counted, I now hold an 18-vote lead over Supervisor Andy Stewart. I am confident that I will be declared the winner after all of the ballots have been counted and all of Mr. Stewart’s legal challenges have been considered. I appreciate the tremendous support that […]

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