Congress Tries to Lower Drug Costs and Raises Health Insurance Premiums Instead

BY MERRILL MATTHEWS If regulators seem confused about how to implement a health care program as vast and sweeping as ObamaCare, maybe, just maybe, it’s because they know how badly they’ve bungled smaller and simpler health care reform efforts — especially a particular drug discount program. Prior to 1990, many drug manufacturers voluntarily discounted their […]

County Says Residents Saved More than $2 Million with ProAct Prescription Discount Card

PRESS RELEASE County Executive C. Scott Vanderhoef this week proclaimed that Rockland County residents have saved more than two million dollars by participating in the ProAct Prescription Discount Card Program, which the county implemented in 2011. ProAct is designed to provide individuals with little or no prescription coverage, access to affordable medications. To date, residents […]



Puddin’ Don’t is a creation of Jake Barlow, inspired by all manner of sillineat-stringess, like Berkeley Breathed’s Bill the Cat, Chuck Norris Facts, The movie Machete, and the great Marty Feldman. Puddin’ Don’t can be found daily online at

Stony Point Board Passes 2014 Budget; Cell Tower Sale Allows One-Year Tax Decrease on Residential Properties

Other issues: School Bond vote scheduled for November 19; CHPE EIS hearing set for November 18; NY Rising meeting set for November 20 and Supervisor Finn assails alleged incompetence of Joe Abate’s replacement in county government BY CHERYL SLAVIN After several weeks of deliberations and public hearings, the Stony Point Town Board passed the Town’s […]


BY HARRY WAITZMAN My tongue is tied to my brain through the back door. I stoop and news pours through my nose and ears and is lost. Poetry is not news yet deals with rumors of the heart, I must learn to rage and spout through a whale-wide mouth. I must ignore the givens and […]



I want you to be my client, but do you need me? BY CHRIS HANLY Investment Consultant, Gary Goldberg Financial Services As an Investment Consultant I look to bring new clients to our firm in order to help them manage their portfolios and reach their investment goals. Whether I’m writing this column, speaking at a […]

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