Free Trader Argues “For Higher Costs, Restrict Exports”

COMMENTARY BY DONALD J. BOUDREAUX On his recent trip to Warsaw, Secretary of State John Kerry heard arguments for expanding U.S. natural gas exports to Poland. Polish officials made the case that letting liquefied natural gas (LNG) flow from the United States to Poland would benefit European economies as well as the environment. When it […]

Timelines 12/19/13

Mother of “Baby Angel” indicted for murder The mother of “Baby Angel,” a male infant found at a recycling plant after being dumped in a recycling bin, was indicted on second-degree murder charges by a Rockland County Grand Jury on Monday. Maria Oliva Guaman-Guaman, 23 of Spring Valley, was arrested last week after DNA tests […]

A Columnists Favorite Column: Homage to Charley Reese

BY DIANE DIMOND Professionals of all types admire others in their field. Architects respect certain other architects, singers style themselves after singers who came before them, artists can find inspiration from someone else’s work. As a columnist, I have a favorite too. The best columns I ever read — and ones I remember for their […]



Greater Hudson Bank, N.A., continues to expand its commercial lending team. The Bank is pleased to announce the addition of Peter Abt as commercial loan officer. Mr. Abt’s responsibilities include creating new business opportunities as well as assisting in the overall growth of the Bank with regards to commercial loans and deposits. In addition, he […]

There’s another train wreck headed for the White House

BY MERRILL MATTHEWS Do you think the Obamacare rollout raises important questions about government mandates, confusion, penalties and just how well bureaucrats can manage complicated issues? It’s not the only one. There are a number of similarities between Obamacare and an energy mandate known as the “renewable fuel standard.” Just consider: The federal government mandates […]

Ed Day’s Letter to Commissioner King Regarding the Continued Retention of Problem Law Firm

The below letter was sent last week from County Executive-Elect Legislator Ed Day to New York State Education Commissioner King and copied to East Ramapo School Board President Yehuda Weissmandl. Dear Commissioner King, As a representative of many East Ramapo School District families at the County level of government , and the incoming County Executive […]

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