Chairman Wolfe Announces Legislature Committee Chairs

Rockland County Legislature Chairman Alden H. Wolfe has announced the County Legislatureโ€™s standing committee chairs for 2014.

Legislator Michael Grant has been reappointed for a second term to chair the Budget and Finance Committee; Legislator Ilan Schoenberger was reappointed to chair the Planning and Public Works Committee, a task he performed in 2013, 2003 and 2004; Legislator Aney Paul will chair the Government Operations Committee, which reviews and analyzes government departmental functions to achieveย maximum efficiency and productivity.

Legislator Nancy Low-Hogan will chair the Economic Development Committee, which works with governmental and quasi-governmental agencies to stimulate and promote industry and commerce within the county, Legislator Harriet Cornell will chair the Environmental Committee; a position she held previous to her recently completed nine-year term as Legislature Chairwoman. The committee oversees discussions and reviews issues, proposals and projects that pertain to the environment.

Legislator Jay Hood was appointed the Vice Chairman of the Legislature at the recent reorganization meeting and will return as the chair of the Public Safety Committee, which reviews a range of safety related issues, such as homeland security, traffic safety, and fire and emergency services; Legislator Philip Soskin will return as the chair of the Multi Services Committee which acts in an oversight capacity to review matters relating to the operation of several county departments such as Social Services, Consumer Affairs, County Courts, Probation, County Clerk, RCC and more.

The Rockland County Legislature meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The standing committees meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month (times vary by committee).

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