John McCain visits New York to support Lee Zeldin for Congress


The Honorable Edward and Tricia Nixon Cox, David and Ginny Knott, Arcadio Casillas and John Moore invite you to join Special Guest, United States Senator John McCain, at a reception for Senator Lee Zeldin, Republican Candidate for Congress in New York’s First Congressional District on Tuesday, April 22nd, from 5 – 7 p.m. at 10 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021.

Senator Lee Zeldin grew up in in the District and resides in his hometown of Shirley with his wife, Diana, and their twin daughters, Mikayla and Arianna.ย Lee is an Iraq War Veteran, having served as a paratrooper in the Army’s elite 82nd Airborne Division and still serves today as a Major in the Reserves.

In 2010, Lee was elected to the New York State Senate where he successfully led the fight to repeal the MTA Payroll Tax for 80 percent of employers and secured funding for the PFC Joseph Dwyer Program for veterans with PTSD.ย  Lee also wrote the law that protects our fallen veterans and their families from protests at military burials.

This is an important election that will be won with your support. From Obamacare to economic policy and foreign policy, we need intelligent, thoughtful Republican voices to balance the misguided agenda of President Obama.

In 2010, during the President’s first midterm election, Democrat Tim Bishop squeaked out a 593 vote win in one of the closest and last decided congressional races in the nation. NY-1 has 19k more Republicans than Democrats.

For the first time in his career, Tim Bishop is facing re-election against a Suffolk County elected official with an existing base of support, record of achievement in office, demonstrated fundraising prowess and a strong background in the law and military in Senator Lee Zeldin.

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