NEW CITY, NYย —ย After more than a decade of inaction, County Executive Ed Day and Ramapo Town Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence today jumpstarted a plan to construct a Park and Ride lot on Route 59 in Ramapo.ย The joint project strengthens public transportation in central and western Rockland County by creating about 380 free parking spaces for Transport of Rockland (TOR), Monsey Trails and other mass transit users.ย The total construction cost of the new lot is estimated at $1.7 million.
The new commuter lot will be developed on a four-acre parcel of State-owned surplus property along Route 59 and Saddle River Road in Monsey. The facility will replace the existing Monsey Park and Ride lot at the former Rockland Drive-In Theatre, which the County has leased since 1999.
“This new Park and Ride is a great example of what happens when the County partners with local and state government.ย Together we developed a joint plan to build, maintain and operate a much-needed facility,” said Day.
“Ramapo working collaboratively with the State and County, will greatly benefit local commuters,” said Supervisor St. Lawrence.
Commuters currently using the leased, 300-space lot at the former drive-in have endured overcrowding, cracked and uneven pavement, minimal lighting and basic shelters.ย The new lot will offer improved surfaces and state-of-the-art amenities, which will ultimately increase ridership, reduce highway congestion and decrease greenhouse emissions.ย Construction of the new park and ride lot is expected to take one year following environmental approvals.
“As Rockland County continues to grow, we must do our part to ensure its public transit needs grow too,” said Day.
Through a competitive selection process, the County recently selected MJ Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. of Clifton Park, NY to be an on-call consultant for civil engineering and surveying services.ย The five-year on-call contract will include tasks related to development, environmental review, design and engineering of park and ride and other related projects throughout Rockland. The first anticipated project for MJ Engineering will be the new Monsey commuter lot.
The Ramapo Town Board this week passed a Resolution to enter into a use and occupancy agreement with the State related to the operation of the park and ride.ย Additionally, County Executive Day has submitted the proposed agreement with MJ Engineering to the County Legislature for approval.
Since 2002, the Town of Ramapo has been the lead agency on acquiring the NYSDOT-owned land for the proposed commuter lot.ย The County has assisted over the years with processes related specifically to the Park and Ride, such as survey and subdivision mapping, Army Corp determinations, drainage plans, entrance roadway and lot circulation design.
The new lot will be maintained by the Town of Ramapo, with the County providing the Town with Travel Demand Management (TDM) funds for maintenance costs.ย The free lot will serve riders who use Monsey Trails, Transport of Rockland (TOR) and possibly TAPPAN ZEExpress (TZx).
Fundingย for this project will come from our federal and state partners, with 80% Federal Transit Administration funds, 10% NYSDOT funds and 10% local transportation funds (non-County tax dollars).ย After completion of the new lot, the County will no longer lease the former drive-in parking lot, which currently costs $12,000 per month,ย paid for with Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds.
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