Irish Drama, “The Informer,” Opens June 12 at Shades Repertory in Haverstraw


This drama tells the story of the hunt for Gypo Nolan, played by Andrew Whitney, an Irish informer on a comrade during the Irish Civil War. Playwright Liam O’Flaherty illuminates the tragic conflict that continues to divide Ireland today.

Nolan is hunted by Dan Gallagher (Robert Vasquez), leader of the outlawed Revolutionary Organization, as he roams Dublin’s pubs and brothels in search of shelter and solace. The play will be performed at Shades Theatre in the Central Presbyterian Church on Main Street on June 12, 13 and 14 at 8 p.m.

Samuel Harps directs this epic tale, exploring political betrayal, retribution and salvation. The large cast inlcudes Jim Coakley, Eddie Box, Moira Box, Ryan Danahy, Kenn Fisher, Norman Gallucci, Barney Griffin, Marisa Gore, Jessica Jaber, Kathleen Koster, Matt Meck, Derek Tarson, Gordon Wolobra and Tom Wreck.

For tickets: 845-675-8044 or

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