On Saturday, November 8, Rivertown Film gives guests a peek into this “mystery” of the creative process at its first “Pecha Kucha” Benefit. “Pecha Kucha” is a Japanese term for the sound of conversation (chit-chat), originally conceived as a setting where creative people in all walks of life could meet, show their work, and exchange ideas. Fifteen artists from various disciplines-photographer, filmmaker, singer, dancer, drummer, painter, writer and more-reveal in rapid fire what inspires them via 10 slides, at 20 seconds per slide.
Artists scheduled to appear are:
Spencer Tunick/photographer Minh Uong/illustrator
John Patrick Schultz/cabaret singer
Glen Schloss/drummer Stan Warnow/film maker
Natasha Rabin/artist Sean
Jones/photographer Lisa Sokolow/singer
Josh Page/singer Anna de la Paz/flamenco
dancer Heather Cornell/tap dancer
David Sugar/artist (glass) Gabrielle
Lanser/dancer/film maker David Means/author
Charles Conyers/film maker
The event begins 8 p.m. at the Nyack Center (Broadway and Depew). Nyack Mayor Jen White will serve as emcee. Tickets are $40, and include complimentary hors d’oeuvres; beer and wine are available for a small contribution, as well as the opportunity to mingle with the artists post-presentation.
Tickets are limited, and sure to go quickly. For more information and tickets, go to www.rivertown film.org or call 845-353-2568.
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