Directed by Kristin-Leigh Nicholson and produced by Jim Guarasci at Antrim Playhouse, “Plaze Suite” is Neil Simon’s hilarious depiction of three couples plus one hotel suite adding up to “laughs galore,” as Antrim has billed it.
“Plaza Suite” opens Friday, January 16 at 8 p.m. and will be performed Fridays and Saturdays January 16, 17, 23, 24, 30, 31 and February 6, 7, all at 8 p.m. along with 2 p.m. Sunday matinees January 18 and 25, and February 1 and 8.
The show is set to star Seth Ginsburg, Donna Avery, Paul Diverio, Michael Schwartz, Victoria Gomez, Ted Odell, Kirstin Leigh Nicholson, Rhea Vogel, Roy Harry, Anthony Gulla and Janelle Alfonso.
The famous Antrim Players say come see the Playhouse transformed into the elegant Plaza Hotel. Call for reservations at 845-354-9503 or purchase tickets online at
Antrim Playhouse is located at 15 Spook Rock Rd. in Wesley Hills.
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