DIMOND: Doing What’s Right

BY DIANE DIMOND Some of us need laws to keep our behavior in check. Others just know the right thing to do. I do an awful lot of writing about the laws of this land and people who break them. This time, I want to write about the lesson learned from an honorable 17-year-old who […]

Bill de Blasio’s roadmap to Albany…or the White House?

OP-ED FROM NY-GOP Tuesday, the New York Post reported that Bill de Blasio is laying the groundwork to run for President in 2016: “Mayor de Blasio isn’t waiting for Hillary Clinton to drop out before he investigates whether to run for President. His people are contacting operatives around the country, including Texas, to ask if […]


FROM COMPTROLLER’S OFFICE A sampling of municipalities from across New York reveals gaps in the review of fire safety plans or evacuation procedures for public buildings such as adult care facilities, hospitals, hotels, preschools, libraries and shopping malls, according to an audit released this week by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The audit reviewed enforcement […]

Timelines 5/28/15

Timelines 5/28/15

FTC takes aim at cancer charity fraudsters The Federal Trade Commission, in conjunction with attorney generals in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, has charged the friends and family of a small group of alleged fraudsters for their administration of “cancer charities” which bilked donors out of over $187 million from 2008 to […]

BLOCKED! Illegal housing crackdown initiative stalls in legislative committee

Frustrated first-responders walk out after Soskin and Schoenberger delay vote BY MICHAEL RICONDA NEW CITY– The protection of emergency personnel from illegal housing modifications made by unscrupulous property-owners has been universally described as a critical, valid concern in the County Legislature. However, when it comes to offering even memorializing support for such protections, the rubber […]


To the Editor, The Taxpayers of Ramapo Central clearly voted down spending a million dollars to recondition the “Field of Dreams.” Now the board needs to respect the results and cease this project. The arrogance of the school board is beyond belief to continue to pursue this project. The peoples right to vote and the integrity […]