Next round of flu vaccine clinics scheduled

During National Influenza (Flu) Vaccination Week, December 6 – 12, 2015, Rockland County Health Commissioner Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert reminds residents that the best way to prevent the flu, and its complications, is by getting the flu vaccine each year.

Flu activity most commonly peaks in the U.S. between December and February, and can continue to occur as late as May. The flu vaccine offers protection for you through the holidays, and for the rest of the flu season. “Anyone who hasn’t gotten a flu vaccine yet should do so now. It takes about two weeks after getting the flu vaccine for your body to build the antibodies (infection fighting cells) it needs to protect from the flu, just in time for your holiday get-togethers with family and friends. Once vaccinated, you can enjoy this holiday season knowing that you have taken the single best step to protect yourself and your loved ones against the flu,” said Dr. Ruppert.

The Health Department has scheduled a flu vaccine clinic on Friday, December 4, 2015 from 1-4 p.m. at the Rockland County Department of Health, Building D, First Floor, Nurses’ Conference Room, Room 130, located at 50 Sanatorium Road in Pomona. The Health Department is giving the quadrivalent flu vaccine which does not contain the preservative thimerosal. The vaccine is called quadrivalent because it offers protection against four different flu viruses that research shows will be most common during the flu season: two influenza (flu) A viruses and two influenza B viruses.

The flu vaccine is free of charge to adults 65 years and older (please bring identification with proof of age). Patients with Medicare and Medicaid must bring their cards. There is a $30 fee for those nine through 64 years old. Each patient must bring proof of Rockland County residency such as a driver’s license or utility bill. Appointments are needed. Please call 845-364-2520 to make an appointment.

For more information visit or call 845-364-2520.

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