“With Governor Cuomo’s State of the State serving as a starting point, I look forward to addressing major issues such as investing in small businesses, fully funding our schools, investing in New York State infrastructure and restoring public trust in government.
“Small businesses are the life blood of New York. They employ our friends, neighbors and relatives. As such, it is imperative that we give all small businesses the oxygen they need to succeed. Through a further reduction in the taxes small business pay, we can encourage everyone to jumpstart their dreams and be a major job creator in our state.
“Education is important to anyone that wishes to improve their life. We must ensure that whether through trade schools or traditional schooling our kids are properly prepared to learn and are given the right tools to succeed. That’s why I will continue to tireless fight to reform common core and end the gap elimination adjustment so children are not over-tested and schools will be able to hire the necessary staff to succeed in teaching the kids of today to be the scientists, entrepreneurs and leaders of tomorrow.
“We must also truly endeavor to upgrade the roads, bridges, tunnels, and mass transit that millions of New Yorkers use every day. During budget negotiations, I will fight to make sure the Hudson Valley’s infrastructure needs are properly met.
“The only way we can call ourselves the People’s House is by earning the people’s trust again. Passing real legislative and campaign reforms is the only way to restore faith in state government. Closing the LLC loophole, capping or banning outside income for legislators, and greater disclosure are common-sense steps we can and should take in the upcoming session.”
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