The 60th anniversary celebration of Lake DeForest, the Supervisor’s Challenge and five hours of guided paddling will take place Sunday, May 22, starting 10 a.m. at the second annual Lake DeForest Day, hosted by SUEZ. The festivities begin with the Supervisor’s Challenge at 10 a.m., which matches the five town supervisors in a 200-meter tandem […]

County Executive’s Corner: Reducing the Zika risk

County Executive’s Corner: Reducing the Zika risk

BY ROCKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE ED DAY Simple actions go a long way toward reducing Zika risk Every year since 1999 when West Nile virus was first found in our area, Rockland has been aggressive about mosquito control. This year is no different. But the stakes are even higher. As we all know, the Zika virus […]

Hoax shooting threats spread fear at Clarkstown North

The 2015/16 school year is winding down but tensions are winding up at Clarkstown North High School. In the early part of May the Clarkstown Police Department investigated two alleged threats to engage in mass shootings at the school, both determined to be hoaxes. On Wednesday, May 4, 2016 CPD investigated a report from some students that a fellow male […]

We wish you well, Peckmans

We wish you well, Peckmans

Another chapter in local small business history came to a close this weekend as family-owned Peckman’s Liquor shop of 8 North William Street, Pearl River closed its doors after almost 70 consecutive years of serving the community. Founded by Herbert Peckman in 1947, the shop had been run since 1970 by Herbert’s son Donald and his wife […]

Orange is the new bloc in Orangetown

Orange is the new bloc in Orangetown

Hundreds gather in support of “no knock” law BY KATHY KAHN The organizers of the newly formed Preserve Orangetown grassroots advocacy group took their cue from Preserve Ramapo. Thursday evening, May 12,  Preserve Orangetown held its first organizational meeting at the Elks Lodge in Nanuet. Many were told about the meeting but organizers didn’t anticipate the  more […]

Cheer and jeers from “them and us” resound at Ramapo Board meeting

Cheer and jeers from “them and us” resound at Ramapo Board meeting

By Kathy Kahn Like the proverbial lizard wearing a velvet glove, Ramapo supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence seems just as smug and self-assured as he did before U.S. Attorney Preet Bahrara handed down a 30-page criminal indictment against him. The town board’s Wednesday, May 11 meeting, hosted by the 16-year incumbent supervisor, was a bitter brawl between those […]

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