OMBUDSMAN’S ALERT: Windows 10, Microsoft’s Major Mismatch

o1 o2Many PC users were doing just fine until they were “forced” to “upgrade” to windows 10 by Microsoft.

Evidence of this fact may be found in the high volume of complaints received by many “geeks” interviewed by this writer in recent weeks. According to all of these geeks, at the heart of this problem is the fact that depending on you particular computer, some program drivers may not be compatible with Windows 10.

This could cause your keyboard, your printer, your monitor and some of your programs not to work property, if at all!

These geeks further claimed that the answer may be simply the failure of Microsoft to check to validate if each individual’s computer is or is not compatible with Windows 10. In the latter case the update to Windows 10
should NOT take place.

The solution to this serious problem is for Microsoft to change their existing policy to “force” this “update” on their customers and make it entirely optional, suggesting this “update” only when the customer’s computer is compatible with Windows 10.

This writer welcomes all comments and constructive suggestions from the readers on this serious issue and will attempt to publish these responses in a subsequent column. Send correspondence to

The Ombudsman Alert is authored by Rockland’s preeminent consumer advocate Dr. Louis Alpert, former long-time chairman of the Town of Clarkstown’s Consumer Affairs Commission and professor emeritus of mathematics, CUNY

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