Who will come up with the best costume this year? Could it be you?
The Village of Suffern announced its annual Halloween Parade, the second largest in the county, will take place Sunday, October 30 at 2 p.m. The parade starts at the corner of Orange and Lafayette Avenues and all are welcome to march, especially those dressed for the occasion.
Costume judging and refreshments will follow at the Virginia Menschner Gazebo. In case of rain, the parade will be cancelled and costume judging and refreshments will be held in the George J. Parness Community Center, 41 Washington Ave. Suffern.
On Saturday, October 15 the annual window painting contest takes place. RCSD Students โ grades 6, 7, 8 are invited to participate in the 2016 Annual Halloween Window Painting Contest in the Village of Suffern. Registration is free, and prizes are awarded to first, second, and third place winners. Students can participate individually, or in a team of up to three students. If your RCSD student is interested โ call Recreation to register. 845-357-7943 or email: cathym@suffernvillage.com.
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