Ramapo Salutes Our Veterans

By: Supervisor Michael B. Specht

While we can never fully repay the debt we owe our veterans, the Town of Ramapo has committed to assisting them in any way possible. We distribute food bags before holidays, host an annual veteransโ€™ concert, constructed a 165 foot veteransโ€™ memorial in Gene Levy Park and decreased the tax burden for veterans and their families.

Ramapo residents are fortunate to live among veterans of WWII and the Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts. On April 13, I joined Senator David Carlucci, Sloatsburg Mayor Carl Wright and the Veteransโ€™ Angels for the Townโ€™s annual Easter and Passover Holiday Food Distribution in Sloatsburg. Over 200 holiday meals were given to veterans and their spouses. My compliments to veteran Richard Jarcho and his family for spearheading this event.

For the past 17 years, the Town has co-hosted a Jewish War Veterans concert. Bill Farber, our partner in this effort, passed away in January of this year. A World War Two Veteran of the US Army Air Corps, Bill served as a navigator on a B-24 bomber. He was a Co-Commander of PFC Fred Hecht Post 425 of the Jewish War Veterans of America and was very active until his passing.

I am very proud that in early 2019, our Town Board was very proactive in adopting the alternative veteransโ€™ exemption, giving military veterans who served during wartime, or have a service related disability a partial property tax exemption and extending the property tax exemption in perpetuity for veterans who served during the cold war.

I promise as an elected official to never forget all that our veterans have done for us. May G-d bless them!

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