Spring is one of my favorite times of year. The new growth after a long cold winter emblematic of this time of year is evident. Signs of spring are all around us; daffodils, lilies, and the leaves returning to the trees are tangible, visible signs of renewal. The longer days and later sunsets are a reminder as well that times are changing.
Last week, the sighting of a large snake at Congers Lake was also a reminder that nature is coming out of hibernation. The five-foot-long, non-venomous rat snake actually went viral on social media, made the news, and raised a great deal of concern from park visitors. The initial post on Facebook was viewed by thousands, as was our follow up post. Even after it was widely reported that the snake is harmless to humans, the CBS TV spot covering it became the most viewed segment on the CBS website for the entire week. According to the NYSDEC, that we consulted, it was “well fed after a long winter’s nap.”
There are some other signs of spring beyond what we see in nature including the start of little league season. The past two weekends we have had great opening day ceremonies at the four leagues in Clarkstown. The New City, West Nyack, Nanuet and Nyack, Valley Cottage, Congers leagues all held opening day events.
Three of these included parades where the teams marched to the fields through neighborhoods proudly wearing their neatly pressed uniforms. As I attend these openings, I am struck by the unbridled optimism that is demonstrated by all. The season begins with smiles, expectations and dreams. These are filled with hopes of wins, championships, home runs and of course no rain outs. The expectation and optimism are obvious and contagious.
Other signs of spring are the many Keep Rockland Beautiful – Great American Clean Ups happening throughout the town. I am always impressed by the large number of volunteers who participate by joining together to collect tons of trash from our landscape, truly beautifying the area. Aside from being a wonderful community building event, it is yet another sign of spring.
Another additional reminder for me are the religious holidays that occur this time of year. In the past several weeks, Christianity celebrated Easter, Judaism celebrated Passover, and Hinduism celebrated Holi (also known as the “Festival of Colors” or coming of Spring.) I always recall the late County Clerk Paul Piperato at the Holi celebration because he and I always attended the India Cultural Society celebration at Congers Lake where we would be covered in chalk by the participants.
Perhaps it is the religious holidays that give the most insight into the season of spring. Passover, Easter, Holi, and Ramadan are all celebrated this time of year and carry the message of spring clearly—namely the fact that we always have the capacity to begin anew. It is this reason why I like spring so much. You can physically see how after the long winter things begin anew. That starting over can be seen as simply as spring cleaning, or as something deeper, like starting a new project or committing oneself to a new goal. Whether it be renewing efforts to lose weight, or some other self-improvement area, spring is the ideal time to act.
So whatever it is that you might have neglected, or an area in your life that needs renewal, perhaps this is the time and season to take that step. So why not take that cue from nature as it comes back to life and recommit to a worthy goal.
Perhaps it is getting into beach shape or planting the garden you said you would but never did. Let nature be your example. After all, spring has sprung!
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