Celebrating the Hardworking People of Rockland

As we gather with family and friends to enjoy the final days of summer, I want to take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Labor Day and the importance it holds for each of us in Rockland County.

Labor Day isnโ€™t just a holiday; It serves as a reminder of the labor movementโ€™s historical fight for fair wages, safe working conditions, and reasonable hoursโ€”rights that many of us now take for granted. These rights were not easily won, and we must continue to honor the legacy of those who stood up for the dignity of all workers.

It also honors the hard-working men and women who form the backbone of our community. In Rockland, we are fortunate to have a diverse and resilient workforce. Whether you are a first responder, a teacher, a healthcare professional, a retail worker, or anyone contributing to our local economy, your hard work is what makes this county a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

That honor also falls to the dedicated public servants who keep our county safe and running smoothly which I would like to take a moment to applaud.

I am so proud to announce that our finances are the best they have ever been in Rocklandโ€™s history. We are one of the fiscally strongest counties in New York with top tier bond credit ratings, achieved by only 6 other counties statewide.

We eliminated the deficit and built our fund balance to historic highs. We also eliminated the Residential Energy Tax and the Auto Registration Tax, made our final deficit bond payment, and implemented a 2% reduction in the County property tax this year, following zero County property tax increases two years in a row.

Every one of those achievements is thanks to the hardworking people in this county.

It is our responsibility as a county government to continue supporting our workforce through job training programs, small business support, and policies that foster economic growth while ensuring fairness and opportunity for all.

I encourage everyone to take a moment this weekend show appreciation for the hard work that keeps Rockland County thriving. Thank you all and have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.


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