Scam Alert

Ramapo Police Department is currently investigating a โ€œRoofer Scam,โ€ where a person(s) claiming to be professional roofers knocked on the homeownerโ€™s door to notify the owner about damage to their roof. They offered their services at a reduced cost and then began work. After the work was started, they drastically raised the price of repairs and demanded that the homeowner pay a $75,000 deposit for a dehumidifier machine to remove moisture from the attic. The homeowner issued a check in that amount believing that it would be returned upon completion of the work, but the roofer never returned to complete the job. ย 

If you are approached by someone claiming to be a roofer or offering services at a substantial discount, be mindful that it could be a scam. Contact the Better Business Bureau to ensure the authenticity of the company before making any agreements/payments.


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