Legislator Paul Encourages Summer Reading Program Participants

Rockland County Legislature Vice Chair Aney Paulโ€™s 3rd Annual Summer Reading Challenge included 16 participants who read a minimum of five books โ€“ and by doing so, likely helped avoid the โ€œSummer Slide.โ€

โ€œReading a good book is always beneficial, but education experts stress that reading books the during the summer helps students maintain and even improve their reading proficiency, as well as their fluency, vocabulary and comprehension,โ€ Legislator Paul said.

Students were required to read at least five books and to submit a description of each. Students who successfully completed the task were presented with a Certificate of Achievement in recognition of their participation, and by extension, their commitment to reading and being lifelong learners.

According to experts at the University of Rochesterโ€™s Warner School of Education, reading is always important, but in summer it can matter even more because studentsโ€™ reading abilities can drop significantly once school is out for the season. By reading throughout the summer, students can retain and even grow their reading abilities. Reading exercises the brain and can improve concentration, literacy, and general knowledge, they said.

Research by the Public Library Association states, โ€œReading practice improves word recognition, builds vocabulary, improves fluency and comprehension, is a powerful source of world knowledge, and is a way to develop understandings of complex written language syntax and grammar.โ€

But the PLA also notes that most kids are not engaging in much if any reading outside of school, adding that 9-year-old children read more than their 13-year-old and 17-year-old counterparts, with the impacts measurable via lower test scores.

โ€œThere is a real need to encourage reading throughout the year, including summer because many students believe that summer vacation means a break from all school work,โ€ Legislator Paul said. โ€œReading is not just schoolwork. Reading and books are lifelong tools that serve as a passport to the larger world and hopefully allow the development of a richer self and a successful future.โ€

Neha Antony, Anika Bhat, Leah George, Neah George, Samuel Jacob, Simon Jacob, Stephen Jacob, Shreyashi Jha, Benjamin Joseph, Elizabeth Joseph, Hannah Joseph, Zaira Joseph, Ananya Mathew, Dante Milton, Maxwell Milton, Abaigael Regi, and Peter Thomas were recognized for their participation in the program.ย 


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