Reader’s Letters

To the Editor,

Despite his opponents’ debunked claims to the contrary, Democratic Congressional candidate Mondaire Jones is far from a wide-eyed, left-wing radical. In fact, he has moderated a number of his positions since his previous stint in Congress. So if you want someone who fosters women’s reproductive health, supports common sense gun safety legislation, will act to combat climate change, an existential threat to our nation and the world, champions our veterans and law enforcement organizations, leads the fight for lower medical costs, etc., etc. etc., Jones is your man.

His Republican opponent, Mike Lawler, is an intelligent, personable young man who presents himself as a moderate and an advocate of bipartisanship. And he may actually believe some of the things he says. But Mr. Lawler has an exceptionally serious problem.

He is a very junior member of the Republican Congressional caucus, but he’s an ambitious one as well. And if he wishes to rise in the Republican hierarchy over the ensuing years, he’d just better vote the way the leadership wants him to. So whenever there is any kind of close vote in the House, you can be sure that Mr. Lawler will be voting with his MAGA colleagues, just like he is told to do. Even if he may not totally agree with the party line on whatever the issue may be. If he fails to do that, we will see a different Republican candidate in CD17 next time around.

Of course, if the issue is a certain loser in the Congress, Mr. Lawler may be given permission by the Republican leadership to follow his own course, to make a few points with his constituents, before the bill is voted down by his colleagues. But when crunch time comes, you can count on Mr. Lawler lining up with all of his MAGA buddies and voting just like they instruct him to.

So if you want a Congress that thinks like you do and supports the issues you support, you have no choice but to vote for Mondaire Jones for Congress in CD17. To do otherwise will ensure a vote for all of those MAGA, Project 2025 policies which will do nothing but plague you in the years ahead.


Joel E. Gingold


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