The County Executive’s Corner – “County Wins Election Law Case Against NYS”

I am proud to let the people of Rockland know that the County of Rockland won the lawsuit against the State of New York’s election law that demanded local elections occur only in even numbered years, cutting terms for all county officials down a year – a direct violation of our local charter – and ultimately forcing local races to be overshadowed by State and Federal elections.

Local self-determination is part of the founding principles of this nation and this State. For 250 years, since 1789, the people of Rockland, and their legislators and executives have decided through democratic processes, what years local elected officials are up for election and the length of their terms.

When Albany specifically Governor Kathy Hochul and New York State legislators from New York

City and other upstate cities make drastic changes impacting how county officials are to be chosen rather than letting local voters decide, they are taking that choice away from you.

Elected officials, me included, serve the public plain and simple.

The facts are this law was overwhelmingly decided by New York State Legislators representing

New York City, who this does not effect, rather than the upstate counties, towns, and villages who it does. This is election law manipulation without representation is an insult to what democracy stands for.

The State Legislators who voted for this bill almost entirely represent cities which are not impacted and will continue to have their elections when they choose, while suburban and rural legislators which are impacted, voted 2 to 1 against this legislation.

Local governments are the most responsive and responsible to the everyday person and play a vital governance role for drinking water, social services, sewage, zoning, schools, roads, parks, police, courts, jails, trash disposal — and more- and we have a constitutional right to say how our local officials are chosen.

Thanks to this New York State Supreme court ruling in our favor, Albany is not dictating anything. The State has lost this attempt to deprive us of self-determination over our local elections.


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