Reader’s Letters

To the Editor,

The campaign for Congressional District 17 has gotten pretty messy and deeply negative, so perhaps we ought to look at what the candidates might actually do if elected. Democrat Mondaire Jones is a strong supporter of women’s reproductive rights. He backs common sense gun safety legislation. He wishes to give tax breaks to middle and working class voters, and withhold them from the ultra-wealthy and giant corporations. He is working to lower health care costs and supports an increased minimum wage, paid family and medical leave, and affordable child care. He voted to provide funding to law enforcement and veterans services. He supported the bi-partisan border deal that Donald Trump personally derailed, fearing it would remove a campaign issue for him.

Jones supports reasonable efforts to combat climate change, an existential threat to the nation and the world. If you don’t believe that climate change, induced by burning fossil fuels, is real, just ask the folks in North Carolina and Florida. And please contribute to relief efforts in those areas; they desperately need the help. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

Incumbent Republican Mike Lawler, on the other hand, talks a good game, but when the critical votes come up he is in lockstep with the ultra-conservative MAGA coalition in the House. He tries to run away from Project 2025, just like his mentor, Donald Trump, but we all know better. Together, they will attempt to ban abortions nationwide. They will fight every attempt to place even the most reasonable limits on firearms. They will reverse all of the efforts made to combat climate change and promote more and more use of fossil fuels. They even want to eliminate the weather bureau to ensure that no one even gets a warning about impending hurricanes or other natural disasters. And, of course, they will renew the Trump tax cuts for billionaires and mega-corporations. And on, and on, and on.

So the choice is clear. We need Mondaire Jones in Congress from CD17. And while you’re at it, also vote for Democrats Pete Harckham for NY State Senate and Dana Levenberg for NY State Assembly. They support the issues that are important to you! And please flip your ballot over and vote Yes for Proposition 1, the Equal Rights Amendment.

That’s a no-brainer!


Joel E. Gingold


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