Reader’s Letters

Dear Editor,

The 17th Congressional District is home to one of the closest races this election cycle, and it is essential we elect a moderate who represents our district’s diverse perspectives.  Fortunately, the choice this November is clear.  Mike Lawler has spent his time in Congress working hard to pass bipartisan legislation, always seeking to find areas of commonality independent of political party.  His efforts resulted in one of the highest bipartisan index values in the country, ranking 4 out of 436.  On the other hand, his opponent, Mondaire Jones, finished his term ranked a disappointing 367.  

Mike Lawler also strives to do what’s right, rejecting the polarization and extremism so often found in today’s politics.  For example, Rep. Lawler reached across the political aisle to work with Ritchie Torres to introduce multiple pieces of essential legislation that would help reduce anti-Semitism, help protect our elected officials, and beyond.  Unfortunately, during his time in office, Mondaire Jones chose to latch onto extreme fads and gimmicks instead, even going so far as to attempt to “pack the court”, an unprecedented effort that would increase the size of the Supreme Court by adding four new liberal justices.

NY-17 needs a principled representative who will reflect the values of our district, not someone who plays political games.  Mike Lawler has a proven track record of bipartisanship and getting things done, and as a result, he has my support.


Adam Kalkstein


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