Time for States to Cut the Cord With Washington

Time for States to Cut the Cord With Washington

BY DIANE DIMOND When our Founding Fathers established the framework for this country, they were careful to limit the powers of the federal government. As James Madison wrote in The Federalist Papers, the federal government’s primary and central job is to “provide for the common defense.” As the nation matured, the role of the federal […]

FORMER LEG CHAIRMAN’S SHOCKING CLAIM: “Trump White House Encourages Hate Crime in America”

FORMER LEG CHAIRMAN’S SHOCKING CLAIM: “Trump White House Encourages Hate Crime in America”

BY BRUCE LEVINE Former Chairman of the Rockland County Legislature Nowhere in any of the speeches of five President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway and Assistant to the President Steve Bannon at the Conservative Political Action Conference do you find the words or […]



It’s a sad day for any community when a local hero passes away, especially one whose heroism is as great as that of officer Brian Lennon, who served the Nyack community for many years during the years Nyack had its own police department. Brian was one of the four Nyack policemen who stopped the U-haul […]