DIMOND: The Presidential Clemency Push — Are We Ready?

Seems like Washington is enjoying a rare political Kumbaya moment these days. Both Democrats and Republicans now agree that our justice system ran off the rails with overly burdensome, mandatory sentencing for non-violent drug offenders. These convicts include Antwon Rogers of Cleveland, Ohio, who was sentenced to life in prison for conspiracy to possess and […]

Will America Ever Repay Vietnam Vets?

BY DIANE DIMOND Isn’t it ironic? In the 70s, Vietnam veterans returned from an unpopular war to society’s scorn and cries of “Baby killer!” Over the decades, we began to understand they had been brave and selfless and we learned to treat all returning vets — wounded or not — with understanding and support as […]


To the Editor, I am not sure if people really understand what patriotism is anymore. As I watched fireworks at two different town displays over this past week, I saw a gauntlet of politicians out shaking hands and giving out a miriad of gadgets with their names on it. There were hundreds and thousands of people who […]

The County Executive’s Corner: The Opportunity is Now

By Rockland County Executive Ed Day The Rockland County Legislature recently passed two local laws which, at first glance, would seem to provide enhanced health and privacy protections for local residents. But, looks can be deceiving. The most cursory reading of each bill reveals significant issues. There is good news, however. We have 90 days […]

More Turn-Over at Hi Tor; Brand New President and Several Board Members Resign, Sharon Needleman Named Interim President

What’s going on at Hi Tor Animal Care Center? Nobody really knows! The brand new leaders of the board are out after a month and Sharon Needleman has assumed temporary leadership. If the chaos continues the shelter can count on a government takeover of some kind, the Rockland County Times predicts. Needleman put a positive […]

County Executive’s Corner: Happy Birthday America!

County Executive’s Corner: Happy Birthday America!

By Rockland County Executive Ed Day This Independence Day, Americans will celebrate the birth of the United States of America. We are blessed to live in a nation like no other, a nation of liberty and freedom. One of the most remarkable traits of our great country is the opportunity that Americans have to live […]