Voters Deserve Truth in Political Ads

BY DIANE DIMOND Did all the snarky campaign ads on television make you absolutely sick? Yeah, me, too. I’m glad this mid-term election over! Nasty cracks, smarmy innuendo, selective editing of opponents’ interviews and downright lies. Isn’t there something that should be done to a candidate who deliberately tries to deceive the electorate? Actually, 16 […]

Stop Taking Environmental Hypocrites Seriously

BY DREW JOHNSON Tom Steyer, the hedge fund billionaire turned environmental nut job, just launched a multi-million dollar attack-ad blitz that takes political dishonesty to a whole new level. Mr. Steyer accuses Iowa Senator Joni Ernst of pushing American jobs overseas. In reality, all Ms. Ernst did was pledge to oppose tax hikes. Watchdog group […]


To the Editor, This November’s election is more important than ever for New York State. There is a dangerous new proposed law sponsored by State Senator Rivera from The Bronx (the same lawmaker who proposed banning salty entrees at restaurants), and supported by Governor Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Sheldon, the mentor to local Assemblyman James […]

What Glorifying the Game of Football Says About Us

What Glorifying the Game of Football Says About Us

BY DIANE DIMOND This question is going to sound like blasphemy to some, but here goes: Why do we glorify the game of football and its players the way we do? I’m not really an NFL fan, but I watch occasional games with my husband. I can take it or leave it, but I know […]

Exchange Plans are Failing America’s Most Vulnerable

BY VIRGINIA LADD The Affordable Care has helped millions of Americans access health insurance. But the quality of coverage insurers are currently offering is worrisome. Even with federal subsidies, many available plans make paying for medications to treat cancer, HIV/AIDS, autoimmune diseases, and other serious conditions totally unaffordable. If the Affordable Care Act doesn’t help […]