Our Lying Presidents

BY LARRY KLAYMAN Originally published by World Net Daily and Freedom Watch โ€œQuel Surprise,โ€ as they say in France. It turns out that both President Barack Hussein Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney now believe that Washington, D.C., cannot be reformed from within and that only We the People hold the keys to saving the kingdom. […]

Obamacare Rations Could Kill AIDS Patients

BY FRANK OLDHAM President Obama’s healthcare reform is about to severely restrict drug treatment options for millions of America’s most vulnerable patients. This certainly wasn’t the president’s intention. But a new, preliminary regulatory ruling from the Department of Health and Human Services required by the 2010 healthcare reform law applies a one-size-fits-all approach to prescription […]

Prisoner’s Rights Run Amok

BY DIANE DIMOND Recently, I wrote about the sometimes deadly lack of air conditioning for prisoners during our blisteringly hot summers. Despite several inmate deaths in cellblocks with temperatures as high as 130 degrees, I got a raft of reader emails taking me to task for being too soft on convicts. This week, I turn […]

Congress is Putting Rural Patients on the Chopping Block

BY EDWARD LUTTRELL There’s a misguided cost-cutting plan being discussed on Capitol Hill that could severely jeopardize the health of millions of rural Americans. Community cancer clinics across the country could be forced to shut down, leaving many patients living outside of major cities without anyone to treat them. This plan centers on Medicare Part […]

Dollars & Sense: After a weak jobs report, more trouble ahead

BY CHRIS HANLY Investment Consultant, Gary Goldberg Financial Services Year over year, the S&P 500 has now risen nearly 20%, and is up over 11% year to date. Over the same time frame, corporate earnings have only risen about 7%. Although markets are cheering some of the recent economic data and the progress being made […]

America’s Pastime a Crime?

BY DIANE DIMOND The Great American pastime isn’t just one thing, it is lots of things. There is the game of baseball. There’s eating apple pie. And there is poker. It is the card game played by millions of Americans in nearly every community in every state of the union. The first two activities are […]