Watching the Justice System Up-close

BY DIANE DIMOND When they first sit down together, they look uncomfortable. No one knows each other, and it could be a group of people who’ve gathered for a mandatory driver’s ed class or in response to some training ad about how to get a better job. They sit stiffly with their eyes straight ahead, […]

Supervisor Andy Stewart Says Shifting Costs to Towns Does Not Benefit the Taxpayer

Open letter from Orangetown Supervisor Andy Stewart to county lawmakers Dear Mr. Vanderhoef and Rockland County Legislators, I write to register my objection to the cost-shifting of county-controlled programs to the Towns, and specifically to Orangetown. There is no policy logic to these cost shifts; they are proposed merely because state law permits it. In […]

Clarkstown Taxpayer Group Member Says PBA Contract Process was “Corrupt”

Once again political corruption has reared its ugly head in the kingdom of Clarkstown. Our king and his clones, Supervisor Gromack and the board, continue to undermine and violate the open meetings law, adding numerous resolutions to the agenda at the last minute intending to purposely hide their unethical behavior from public scrutiny. One of […]

Miele’s Musings, May 24, 2012: Honoring Our Patriot’s Sacrifices

BY PUBLISHER EMERITUS ARMAND MIELE Every year, I find the Memorial Day parade more breathtaking. Sober-faced seniors and younger veterans march proudly in honor of the fallen. You can clearly imagine the memories that take them back to fighting alongside the departed companions left behind. The children, whose parents have cared enough to teach them […]

This is What Happens In a One Party System

BY ANTHONY MELE Rockland County’s credit rating was recently downgraded again to one degree above Junk Bonds. In other words, our credit rating is near worthless. Rockland County could not walk into a car dealership and buy a car or put a Pea Coat in Macy’s on lay-away till next Christmas. The people who were […]

Where’s the Shame?

RCT Staff Editorial There have been far too few sweating brows and not nearly enough hypertensive outbursts in the halls of New City in the last few years. That’s an odd comment you might think, but the point is, the county has been dying a slow fiscal death for going on at least three years […]