The County Executive’s Corner – โ€œCounty Unveils Sain Building Development Strategyโ€

The County Executive’s Corner – โ€œCounty Unveils Sain Building Development Strategyโ€

Rockland County is at a crossroads. One path leads us to continued success and growth, while the other could bring stagnation. Iโ€™ve heard from manyโ€”seniors, young adults, business owners, and nonprofit leadersโ€”about the growing challenge of finding affordable housing in our county. Seniors looking to downsize canโ€™t afford to stay in the communities they love. […]

HoehmTown Happenings

HoehmTown Happenings

Clarkstown Awarded $5M Federal Grant For Nanuet TOD Infrastructure Improvements Thereโ€™s nothing like starting a week on a positive note and Iโ€™m happy to report that the Town of Clarkstown received some really great news on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 courtesy of Congressman Mike Lawler. In a press conference held outside the Rockland County Sheriffโ€™s […]

Senator Weber Co-Sponsors Two Bills to Protect and Improve Access to IVF

Senator Weber Co-Sponsors Two Bills to Protect and Improve Access to IVF

New York State Senator Bill Weber (R-38) has cosponsored two bills to protect and improve access to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) for those seeking to start families.ย  S.8626, sponsored by Senator Martins, protects IVF treatment providers, fertility doctors, and patients from criminal and civil liability and shields providers of goods used to facilitate the IVF […]

Sain Building declared surplus, County will soon consider bids for vacant property

Sain Building declared surplus, County will soon consider bids for vacant property

On Wednesday County Executive Ed Day, alongside nine members of the County Legislature and Clarkstown Supervisor George Hoehmann, announced a strategy to redevelop the Sain Building located at 18 New Hempstead Road, which has been vacant since 2017, into mixed-use commercial space and workforce housing. Following the Legislatureโ€™s action to declare this property surplus, which […]