France Pushes New Law to Ban Muslim Headscarf

Because of her choice to wear a Muslim hijab headscarf, Samia Kaddour has all but abandoned trying to land a government job in France. Soon some private sector jobs could be off limits, too. Read the full story here: NEW LAN TO BAN HEADSCARF IN FRANCE

Village of Haverstraw Passes Law Rescinding Tobacco Advertising Ban, Discusses Zoning and Other Regular Business

BY SARA GILBERT The Village of Haverstraw met for its regular board meeting Monday, August 13 to pass laws, discuss rezoning issues, hear residentsโ€™ concerns and other business. The board passed Local Law No. 6, which rescinds Local Law No. 5, which had banned tobacco advertising of any sort in Haverstraw stores. Immediately after this [โ€ฆ]

Stony Point Supervisor Finn Assures โ€œHeโ€™s Not Hiding Anythingโ€ at Board Meeting

In other news, law passes banning most signs on public property, residents express concerns over Champlain Power Express, July 23 named Penguin Rep Day and much more BY SARA GILBERT About 30 people were present at the Stony Point town board meeting on Tuesday, July 10 where several upset residents complained about projects, including the [โ€ฆ]