Village of Haverstraw Passes Law Rescinding Tobacco Advertising Ban, Discusses Zoning and Other Regular Business

BY SARA GILBERT The Village of Haverstraw met for its regular board meeting Monday, August 13 to pass laws, discuss rezoning issues, hear residentsโ€™ concerns and other business. The board passed Local Law No. 6, which rescinds Local Law No. 5, which had banned tobacco advertising of any sort in Haverstraw stores. Immediately after this [โ€ฆ]

Letter to the Editor: Lung Association Says Village of Haverstraw Should be Proud

Dear Editor, We were disappointed to learn that Big Tobacco succeeded in its attempt to force the Village of Haverstraw to rescind its ordinance prohibiting the display of tobacco products in retail stores (Smoked out: Haverstraw Village to drop anti-tobacco ordinance, online edition). The tobacco industry hoped that the resources available to a small village [โ€ฆ]