Miele’s Musing: Use Your Vote! Keep the Politicians Honest!

BY PUBLISHER EMERITUS ARMAND MIELE In 1986, Ronald Reagan said, “I’ve always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’” He understood the growing mistrust that Americans had, at the time, for their government. The Reagan days are gone. Ronald Reagan brought America […]

Town of Haverstraw Hands Over $27,000 to Local Families at Board Meeting

Town of Haverstraw Hands Over $27,000 to Local Families at Board Meeting

BY SARA GILBERT The Town of Haverstraw board met Monday, June 25 to present three local families with checks from the 3-mile Fun Run and discuss purchases, the town’s audit and residents’ concerns. Once the pledge of allegiance was recited, roll call was taken, and adoption of the June 11 meeting was passed, Supervisor Howard […]