The American approach to climate change is actually working

The American approach to climate change is actually working

By Drew Johnson Speaking at the United Nations in December, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi drew cheers by saying the United States was โ€œstill inโ€ the Paris Climate Agreement. Green activists applauded Pelosiโ€™s defense of the international climate accord, which President Trump has vowed to exit. They claim remaining in the Paris Agreement will help reduce [โ€ฆ]

The Green Future

The Green Future

BY DREW JOHNSON (Republished with permission) Environmental activists regularly scare Americans about our domestic energy resources โ€” and urge us to abandon development of them. Witness the various efforts to stop hydraulic fracturing, offshore and onshore drilling, and the like. What life would look like in this new green world, though, rarely gets coverage. Considering [โ€ฆ]