Lucky Break at Empire City Casino

Lucky Break at Empire City Casino

BY PAMELA STERN Empire City Casino is now hosting โ€œLucky Break,โ€ a karaoke contest where the winner will receive $25,000 cash, a trip for two, and a meeting with multiple record label executives. Lucky Break is taped live at Empire City Casino on Tuesdays through December 18 and shown on WLNY on Sundays at 12 noon. The contest is [โ€ฆ]

Empire Casino: an Adventure a Half-Hour Away

Just donโ€™t lose your shirt! BY PAMELA STERN Itโ€™s a sizzling summer at Empire City Casino located at Yonkers Raceway and itโ€™s about to get even hotter as rock nโ€™ roll legend Pat Benatar is set to play this weekend, August 12, as part of Empire Cityโ€™s summer concert series. While the summer concerts have been a big [โ€ฆ]