Tappan Zee High School Seniors Graduate and Start a New Chapter in Their Lives

BY BARRY WARNER Last Thursday, the 109th commencement exercises of Tappan Zee High School occurred for 275 graduates During a beautiful summer evening on the athletic field, in front of hundreds of families and friends, the formal ceremony was held. Student achievements were recognized by school officials and diplomas were awarded. Speakers reflected on what [โ€ฆ]

Itโ€™s Graduation Season in Rockland County

North Rockland High School holds 2012 commencement BY MICHAEL RICONDA North Rockland High School celebrated the graduation of its Senior Class of 2012, holding its annual commencement ceremony at Rockland Community College at 3 p.m. on Friday, June 22. Hundreds of graduating seniors, their friends, and their families attended the ceremony. In total, 631 seniors [โ€ฆ]