GOVERNOR CUOMO DESIGNATES 102 NEW YORK RISING COMMUNITIES ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE MORE THAN $750 MILLION FOR STORM RECONSTRUCTION The New York Rising Community Reconstruction Program officially launched today, promising Stony Point “up to” $3 million in grants to assist in recovery from Hurricane Sandy and Irene. Stony Point is the only Rockland County town to […]
BY MICHAEL RICONDA Stony Point – The Stony Point Town Board convened on April 9 to discuss recent developments in Sandy aid to affected areas of the town, explaining application procedures for federal assistance and progress with local communities. Town Supervisor Geoffrey Finn and Councilwoman Luanne Konopko met with State Assemblyman James Skoufis (D – […]
BY MICHAEL RICONDA Rockland County Executive C. Scott Vanderhoef issued his final State of the County speech at the Rockland County Legislature’s meeting on March 5, taking aim at budget and financial challenges and the county’s experiences with Hurricane Sandy. Vanderhoef, who is currently serving his final term, spent a significant amount of time discussing […]
To Assist Individuals, Businesses and Homeowners affected by Hurricane Sandy. When: Friday, Feb. 8 and Saturday, Feb. 9 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: 24 East Main Street, Stony Point, NY 10980, in the auditorium of the school building. Register at www.DisasterAssistance.g0v or
NEW YORK – The Federal Emergency Management Agency, at the request of the State of New York, has approved a 30-day extension for survivors to register for federal disaster assistance. The new registration deadline for Hurricane Sandy survivors in New York is Feb. 27. FEMA also approved a 14-day extension to the Transitional Sheltering Assistance […]
Every winter around Super Bowl Sunday, hundreds of people flock to the Hudson River to watch a bunch of people run into the freezing cold water. And every year for 13 years, the funds raised at this event are used to help save the life of one or two young children in North Rockland. This […]