Village of Haverstraw Passes Law Rescinding Tobacco Advertising Ban, Discusses Zoning and Other Regular Business

BY SARA GILBERT The Village of Haverstraw met for its regular board meeting Monday, August 13 to pass laws, discuss rezoning issues, hear residentsโ€™ concerns and other business. The board passed Local Law No. 6, which rescinds Local Law No. 5, which had banned tobacco advertising of any sort in Haverstraw stores. Immediately after this [โ€ฆ]

Public Hearing Held in New City Discuss Plans for New Tappan Zee Bridge

BY MICHAEL RICONDA Representatives of public and private organizations held a community outreach meeting at the New City Library at 6 p.m. on August 14, 2012 to inform local residents of recent developments in the forthcoming project to replace the Tappan Zee Bridge. The meeting was directed by a three-person panel consisting of Special Advisor [โ€ฆ]

NRCSD Met to Discuss the Coming School Year

A short update at board meeting, everything is being handled swiftly according to members BY SARA GILBERT The North Rockland Central School District board met Tuesday, August 7 at the high school to review regular business and updates for the coming school year. The meeting was short as there were no public comments, no correspondences [โ€ฆ]

Rockland County Legislature Votes on Unfunded Mandate Relief Request, Lawsuit against Clarkstown

BY MICHAEL RICONDA The Rockland County Legislature met for a general assembly on August 8 to discuss and pursue final votes on referrals which had been carried through the various legislative committees. In particular, there was significant discussion and debate on the issue of unfunded mandates. Referral 8634 urges Governor Cuomo and the state legislature [โ€ฆ]

Tappan Zee Bridge Meeting Addresses Businesses Issues

Tappan Zee Bridge Meeting Addresses Businesses Issues

BY SARA GILBERT The Rockland Business Association hosted a meeting at Dominican College in Orangeburg on Thursday, July 26 to discuss concerns and answer questions local businesses might have about the new Tappan Zee Bridge. Brian Conybeare, who was appointed as special advisor for the bridge project by Governor Andrew Cuomo on Monday, July 23, [โ€ฆ]

$15 Million More in the Hole

Rockland County budget news gets even worse  BY SARA GILBERT The Rockland County Legislature met Tuesday, July 24 to receive news that despite tax hikes and 100 layoffs, the county is an additional $15 million in debt so far during this budget year, bringing the grand debt total to an estimated $95 million. Acting County Finance Director [โ€ฆ]