In 2019, This Pope Needs a Reality Check

In 2019, This Pope Needs a Reality Check

BY DIANE DIMOND During this holiest of Christian seasons, who could ignore the latest statements of Pope Francis about the festering child sex abuse scandal within his church? In a Christmas address, he spoke of priests who are โ€œready to devour innocent souls.โ€ He declared, โ€œTo those who abuse minors, I would say this: Convert [โ€ฆ]

First American, First Jesuit, First Francis

First American, First Jesuit, First Francis

The newly elected pope, leader of the Catholic Church, is a first in at least three ways. A native of Argentina and the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the first pope elected from the American continents. He is also the first pope in the churchโ€™s history to be from the Jesuit [โ€ฆ]