By County Executive Ed Day My administration recognizes the importance of improving our mass transit infrastructure. An area where unfortunately Rockland has been behind the eight ball for many years. However, we are making progress, in August 2017 the County’s Tappan Zee Express launched its first-ever Sunday service schedule. Along with a revised, expanded Saturday schedule. The […]
By Rockland County Executive Ed Day It’s been at least a decade since a budget submitted by the County Executive won the unanimous approval of the Legislature. The fact that the $684.29 million spending plan I submitted in October made its way through weeks of reviews essentially unchanged and was approved by every member […]
By Rockland County Executive Ed Day Thanksgiving is almost here and we can rejoice this year knowing that all in Rockland County can have a roof over their head and a warm place to sleep as winter sets in. Our new Warming Center just opened at the Dr. Robert L. Yeager Health Center in […]
By Rockland County Executive Ed Day It seems like just a couple of months ago that Gov. Andrew Cuomo was in West Haverstraw, announcing that municipalities needed to do something to bring costs under control. That something, he told us, was shared services. Never mind that counties across New York are burdened with unfunded […]
By Rockland County Executive Ed Day We saw Rockland County come together this week to mourn the tragic loss of one our own, a young Marine from Pomona who was killed in a military plane crash. Sgt. Owen Lennon represented the very best of both Rockland and this nation. He was brought back home for […]
By Rockland County Executive Ed Day Another senseless tragedy on the roads in Rockland – this one involving a family out on a shopping errand and a little baby who is now dead. A regular everyday chore turned into tragedy when a careless driver allegedly gave into road rage. We send our condolences to the […]