To the Editor, Iโ€™m an old soldier from the last century. Then, from the distance of Vietnam, it hurt to see my flag burned in the street. Not that we donโ€™t have the right to do that, but take a moment and understand where that right came from. It wasnโ€™t from a president or the [โ€ฆ]

Longtime Veterans Service Agency Director Jerry Donnellan to Retire

Longtime Veterans Service Agency Director Jerry Donnellan to Retire

COUNTY PRESS RELEASEโ€“ Longtime Rockland Veterans Service Agency Director Jerry Donnellan has announced that he will retire at the end of the year, the County Executiveโ€™s Office stated in a press release this week. Donnellan has served the county and countless veterans as chief of the Veteranโ€™s Agency for 30 years. He is taking a medical [โ€ฆ]