Reagan-home demolition story does not pass journalistic standards—should have been reported merely as rumor and speculation EDITORIAL REPORT BY MICHAEL RICONDA Following online rumors and reports in major conservative news outlets like and that one of Ronald Reagan’s childhood homes would be demolished to make room for a parking lot for President Obama’s […]

Miele’s Musing: Use Your Vote! Keep the Politicians Honest!

BY PUBLISHER EMERITUS ARMAND MIELE In 1986, Ronald Reagan said, “I’ve always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’” He understood the growing mistrust that Americans had, at the time, for their government. The Reagan days are gone. Ronald Reagan brought America […]

Miele’s Musings: Presidential Double-crossing

Miele’s Musings: Presidential Double-crossing

Below are the federal income tax rates that went into effect under Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932, and remained in place for over 30 years. Roosevelt’s tax rates kept America in the Depression until he got us into World War II. He knew the Japanese were planning to attack Pearl Harbor, but did not even […]

KEEPIN’ IT CLASSY: Gay Activists Flip Off Reagan During White House Visit

Radical gay friends of President Obama were invited to the White House recently to celebrate Gay Pride Month. Two of those friends, Zoe Strauss, a magazine photographer, and Matt Hart, director of a non-profit, posted photos to their Facebook account which surprisingly featured a double flipping of the bird in front of the official portrait […]